python 學習五四三

'0x' 與 ’\x’的關係?
在這之前得先了解 4 個相互轉換的函式: chr() / ord() = char to unicode number / unicode number to char int() / hex() = convert to a base of 10 / convert to a base of 16

1:   In [1]: ord('A')  
2:   Out[1]: 65  
3:   In [2]: chr(65)  
4:   Out[2]: 'A'  
5:   In [3]: hex(65)  
6:   Out[3]: '0x41'  
7:   In [4]: int('0x41', 16)  
8:   Out[4]: 65  
9:   In [9]: '\x41'  
10:   Out[9]: 'A'  
11:   In [10]: '0x41'  
12:   Out[10]: '0x41'  
13:   In [11]: chr(int('0x41',16))  
14:   Out[11]: 'A'  

如何執行一段 string-based statements

1:  py_loop_stmt = """
2:  def py_hello():  
3:    for i in xrange(10):  
4:      print i,  
5:    print  
6:    print "have a nice day!"  
7:  """  
8:  co = compile(py_loop_stmt, '', 'exec')  
9:  exec(co)  
10:  py_hello()  
11:  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
12:  have a nice day!  
13:  #或者是  
14:  exec('exec(co);import __main__;getattr(__main__, "%s")()' % co.co_names[0])  
15:  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  
16:  have a nice day!  

compile() 與 exec() 還真是挺邪惡的東西啊。

如何在任意 function 裏頭取得其命名
How to get the function name inside the function?
python 似乎沒有直接取得的方式. 不過在 libsys 裏頭 _gertframe 用以取得 frame object, 然後取得它參數的 f_code.co_name. 與取得 code object 方式類似.

1:  import sys  
2:  def myDaring():  
3:    print "call me:", sys._getframe().f_code.co_name  
4:  myDaring()  
5:  call me: myDaring  

原先的發想是(1)想在 python code 裡面執行一段 bytecodes;(2)動態修改這段 bytecode 的值. [就是injection] 這裡涉及 python interpreter 的運作原理. 好在這東西早些時間就已經有人寫好, 挺容易理解的.

1:  def ggprint(func, text):  
2:    print '*'*5, func, '*'*5  
3:    print text  
4:    print '*' *30  
5:  def dumpArgsCodeobj(codeobj):  
6:    params = []  
7:    for x in dir(codeobj):  
8:      if x.startswith('co'):  
9:        params.append( x + ':' + str(getattr(codeobj, x)) )  
10:    ggprint(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, '\n'.join(params))  
11:  dumpArgsCodeobj(py_hello.__code__)  
12:  ***** dumpArgsCodeobj *****  
13:  co_argcount:0  
14:  co_cellvars:()  
15:  co_code:x td  D]  
16:  WHd GHdS  
17:  co_consts:(None, 10, 'have a nice day!')  
18:  co_filename:  
19:  co_firstlineno:2  
20:  co_flags:67  
21:  co_freevars:()  
22:  co_lnotab:      
23:  co_name:py_hello  
24:  co_names:('xrange',)  
25:  co_nlocals:1  
26:  co_stacksize:2  
27:  co_varnames:('i',)  
28:  ******************************  

其中值得注意的是 co_code, co_consts, co_names 這幾個參數. 可以利用 dis 這個 module 反編譯了解它的邏輯.

1:  import dis  
2:  dis.disassemble(py_hello.__code__)  
3:   3      0 SETUP_LOOP       24 (to 27)  
4:         3 LOAD_GLOBAL       0 (xrange)  
5:         6 LOAD_CONST        1 (10)  
6:         9 CALL_FUNCTION      1  
7:         12 GET_ITER        
8:      >> 13 FOR_ITER        10 (to 26)  
9:         16 STORE_FAST        0 (i)  
10:   4     19 LOAD_FAST        0 (i)  
11:         22 PRINT_ITEM       
12:         23 JUMP_ABSOLUTE      13  
13:      >> 26 POP_BLOCK        
14:   5  >> 27 PRINT_NEWLINE      
15:   6     28 LOAD_CONST        2 ('have a nice day!')  
16:         31 PRINT_ITEM       
17:         32 PRINT_NEWLINE      
18:         33 LOAD_CONST        0 (None)  
19:         36 RETURN_VALUE  

可以利用一個叫 bytecodehacks 的一個開源工具去對 codeobject去做修改, 像是引入外部的參數到內部, 修改 const的值, 以及loop的邏輯等等. 不過這裡我原先的初衷有很大的不同: 我把 bytecodes 搞混了. 或者說我先前想知道別人寫的.py 裏頭的 bytecodes 是什麼意思, 但事實上那段是compiled bytecodes, 是machine code了. 這讓我又多了兩個問題:(1)倘若想在 .py 執行一段 c/c++ 的 copmiled bytecode; 或者(2)想要動態存取其他程序的變數, 又該怎麼去實現呢?

1:  關鍵字是 ctypes, kernel32.dll, WriteProcessMemory, ReadProcessMemory  
2:  import ctypes  
3:  kernel32 = ctypes.WinDLL('kernel32.dll')  
4:  def get_handle(pid):  
5:    PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = 0x0008   
6:    PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010   
7:    PROCESS_VM_WRITE = 0x0020   
12:    res = kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_INFO_ALL | PROCESS_VM_ALL, False, pid)  
13:    print "Returning handle %d" % res  
14:    return res  

就先這樣吧, 寫了一整天腦袋好暈. 一個お盆休み居然感冒, 真的很衰小...Orz

參考連結:MSDN, Bytecodehacks, Stackoverflow, source code beautifier


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