How to change the Backup location of iTunes?
原由 -
因為windows 預設的路徑都是在 c 槽下的 "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup", 這實在不是很明智的做法,不止 c 槽很快就滿了, 還要擔心中毒後舊不回來,所以放在其他磁區比較妥當。加上現在動輒備份10G以上的資料,由於主磁碟區空間不足,容易讓電腦變慢說。
The vast majority of Windows applications park their backups and bulky data directories right on the primary partition. This means the precious space on your SSD is chewed up by backups, a less than ideal situation. Read on as we show you how to move your backups to a data disk.
Many ppl have switched to using a speedy solid state disk(SSD) as their primary drive. These drives are known for their snappy response time, not their expansive storage capacities. There's no sense in storing bulky and infrequently accessed data like your iPhone and iPad backup files on your SSD.
Furthermore, in many instances, application functions will outright fail because primary disk isn't large enough. The last time we went to do a complete backup of our iPad before installing a new version of iOS, for example, the backup failed because out small-but-speedy SSD simply couldn't hold the entire content of the iPad.
Finally, although we'll be specifically moving the iTunes backup directory to our secondary disk, you can use this trick to move any bulky data or backup directory off your small primary disk onto a larger secondary disk-you'll need to locate the data directory on your primary disk and adjust the commands accordingly.
作法 -
簡單就是要找到 iTune 存取備份檔案的位置, 然後做一個 symbolic link 讓真實檔案進行五鬼搬運(誤,寫入指定的路徑。
Step 1. Moving the Backup directory via Symbolic links
1.1 Type "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync" on the shortcut box after you press the Start button.
1.2 Hold on shift key and right click the folder on the explorer pane (inside the explorer pane of the current directory). Select "Open command window here" to open a command prompt already focused on the current directory.
1.3 Rename the folder Backup to Backup_old.
1.4 Enter >>mklink /J "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "G:\iTunes\Backup"
1.5 [Validation] Create a new text file as a temporary file place holder. Then navigate to the actual backup folder (in secondary disk) to make sure the file sitting in the directory. Delete the place holder file once you've confirmed.
1.6 Initiate an iTune backup (don't forget to skip the actual backup as we only intend to see the symbolic linked directory work in place) We can find several files on the secondary disk, which means, we see a brand new collection of backup files sitting in our new created directory.
1.7 Move the folder backup_old to backup.
2. Review
2.1 we copied the iTune backup directory.
2.2 we free up around 6 GB of data on our primary disk
How to change the Backup location of iTunes?
原由 -
因為windows 預設的路徑都是在 c 槽下的 "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup", 這實在不是很明智的做法,不止 c 槽很快就滿了, 還要擔心中毒後舊不回來,所以放在其他磁區比較妥當。加上現在動輒備份10G以上的資料,由於主磁碟區空間不足,容易讓電腦變慢說。
The vast majority of Windows applications park their backups and bulky data directories right on the primary partition. This means the precious space on your SSD is chewed up by backups, a less than ideal situation. Read on as we show you how to move your backups to a data disk.
Many ppl have switched to using a speedy solid state disk(SSD) as their primary drive. These drives are known for their snappy response time, not their expansive storage capacities. There's no sense in storing bulky and infrequently accessed data like your iPhone and iPad backup files on your SSD.
Furthermore, in many instances, application functions will outright fail because primary disk isn't large enough. The last time we went to do a complete backup of our iPad before installing a new version of iOS, for example, the backup failed because out small-but-speedy SSD simply couldn't hold the entire content of the iPad.
Finally, although we'll be specifically moving the iTunes backup directory to our secondary disk, you can use this trick to move any bulky data or backup directory off your small primary disk onto a larger secondary disk-you'll need to locate the data directory on your primary disk and adjust the commands accordingly.
作法 -
簡單就是要找到 iTune 存取備份檔案的位置, 然後做一個 symbolic link 讓真實檔案進行五鬼搬運(誤,寫入指定的路徑。
Step 1. Moving the Backup directory via Symbolic links
1.1 Type "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync" on the shortcut box after you press the Start button.
1.2 Hold on shift key and right click the folder on the explorer pane (inside the explorer pane of the current directory). Select "Open command window here" to open a command prompt already focused on the current directory.
1.3 Rename the folder Backup to Backup_old.
1.4 Enter >>mklink /J "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "G:\iTunes\Backup"
1.5 [Validation] Create a new text file as a temporary file place holder. Then navigate to the actual backup folder (in secondary disk) to make sure the file sitting in the directory. Delete the place holder file once you've confirmed.
1.6 Initiate an iTune backup (don't forget to skip the actual backup as we only intend to see the symbolic linked directory work in place) We can find several files on the secondary disk, which means, we see a brand new collection of backup files sitting in our new created directory.
1.7 Move the folder backup_old to backup.
2. Review
2.1 we copied the iTune backup directory.
2.2 we free up around 6 GB of data on our primary disk
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