
Showing posts from October, 2010

Vocabulary & Terms

1. aerobics (a form of physical exercise, rhythmic aerobic exercise, music) She generally does aerobics after she gets up. 2,  tall tale (unusual or unbelievable story) His 10 millions heritage is a tall tale. He is simply a  bachelor. 3. burn off (get rid of) The teacher has the boy to run around the gym to burn off his extra energy. 4. anxiety (feelings of being worried) Working out at the health club helps me get rid of anxiety and frustraction from work. 5. buy a story Don’t buy a story that he exercises everyday. It’s just not true. 6. barbell (a piece of exercise equiment, weight training, weight lifting)

Tested article

This post is from Windows Live Writer at 12:30 pm.


其實也是都有在寫東西, 但都是在bbs上居多, 現在畢業了, 以後改成在這裡發表好了. 回想碩士班兩年念的其實不是很開心. 明明一個那麼有價值的軟體, 但大部分的時間都在跟上頭跟客戶溝通爭議, 而且在這裡存在顯著的不平等!(這就是社會的縮影吧...) 做到最後其實我也很灰心, 居然變得凡事得過且過、只想快點離開, 這不是我做事的態度阿... 唯一令人慶幸的事情, 就是認識實驗室的學長學弟們, 大家其實都很聰明也具實力, 希望大家以後都能有好的發展。 即將要開始人生第一份工作了, 找工作的這段期間其實很幸運, 只能說學歷幫了我很多, 在現在來看當初退學是個正確的選擇? 恩, 不論如何, 人都要不斷往前看, 把當下的事情做到好, 隨時都在準備等待機會...  落落長一堆也沒什麼用, 我清楚知道自己追求的是什麼便是拉。 就先這樣吧。