[English] Vocabulary In Context
Repetition is often the key to success and studies show that most repetitive tasks become part of a person's inventory of skills over time. 每個單詞都有 denotation 跟 connotation, 所以要猜出單詞的意義通常透過 (1) 字根、字尾 (2) 前後文 在推斷句子中單詞意義時, 有4種線索: a. restatement b. positive / negative c. contrast d. specific detail Example A Handi suddenly found himself destitute , so poor that he could barely afford to eat. restatement: destitute and poor, negative: so poor, barely => destitute: extremely poor Example B Sarah had worked so hard for the past few weeks that she decided she owed herself a day of complete indolence . Saturday, she slept until noon, ordered take-out so she wouldn't have to cook , and left the dishes in the sink. She left her chores for another day and spent the afternoon lying on the couch, reading and watching television. But on Sunday, she was back to her old assiduous self, and by noon, she had already cleaned her whole apa...