今天到研究室遇到了已畢業了的劉さん先輩,由於有人建議一塊吃飯,所以大家開車到吃了平價的長津田くら寿司,接著到中山的四季之森去散步。劉さん人還是一樣有朝氣阿,很健談、不藏私平時也很照顧大家。印象特別深刻的是提到他們会社今年開始有個績效評比,是針對績效最低的社員進行永久性的減薪。這真是殘酷擂台真實版,大概是想逼退那些產出不佳又賴著不走的社員吧。另外不得不說,在日本開車真的是挺花時間的。今天的路線平常搭車三小時就可以走完,開車花了五個小時! 大多時間都在塞車、繞道。
回研究時不久看到村石さん跟田島さん這兩兄弟一塊回來,兩人大概又跑去田野玩了。村石さん似乎被蚊蟲咬的四肢起泡,還不停著抓癢。問了田島さん他最近的研究,他說他今天想到要作一個叫 table turning 的遊戲,日文叫做こっくりさん。一開始請他用英文解釋他感到很為難,但後來他用日文解釋後才發覺連我自己都不太能說明。這遊戲類似台灣的碟仙? 就是放一張寫著各種單詞的紙在桌上。接著擺上一個銅板,玩家一塊把手指擺上去,然後輪流丟問題,自會有靈魂替你回答。
都七點半了說! 希望今晚可以把 testbed 的程式碼研讀完,然後把自己的程式碼整合起來,盡快脫離遊戲設計的地牢。
Soon after our return, Muraishi-san and Tajima-san also came back from the farm field.
Muraishi-san seemed to be blistered by bugs there and he could not stop scratching his itch. Although I attempted to ask him to apply some lotion/mosquito bite cream, neither he nor I have that thing in hand.
Tajima-san told me that he is intended to make a game called table turning. At first I didn't heard that stuff before so I asked him to introduce it to me. Later on I found it hard to explain it in English even by myself. According to answer.com, "Table Turning" is a form of psychic phenomena in which all participants sit around a table filled with alphabets, place their fingertips on a coin and ask the spirit a question; then the coin moves without conscious exercise of muscular force. By relating the tilts to the alphabet on the table, it becomes possible to receive intelligent messages. But why do Japanese call it Kokkuri? Perhaps they believe in the movement of the coin is caused by the supernatural agent, a foxlike animal which name is Kokkuri(狐狗狸).
回研究時不久看到村石さん跟田島さん這兩兄弟一塊回來,兩人大概又跑去田野玩了。村石さん似乎被蚊蟲咬的四肢起泡,還不停著抓癢。問了田島さん他最近的研究,他說他今天想到要作一個叫 table turning 的遊戲,日文叫做こっくりさん。一開始請他用英文解釋他感到很為難,但後來他用日文解釋後才發覺連我自己都不太能說明。這遊戲類似台灣的碟仙? 就是放一張寫著各種單詞的紙在桌上。接著擺上一個銅板,玩家一塊把手指擺上去,然後輪流丟問題,自會有靈魂替你回答。
都七點半了說! 希望今晚可以把 testbed 的程式碼研讀完,然後把自己的程式碼整合起來,盡快脫離遊戲設計的地牢。
Soon after our return, Muraishi-san and Tajima-san also came back from the farm field.
Muraishi-san seemed to be blistered by bugs there and he could not stop scratching his itch. Although I attempted to ask him to apply some lotion/mosquito bite cream, neither he nor I have that thing in hand.
Tajima-san told me that he is intended to make a game called table turning. At first I didn't heard that stuff before so I asked him to introduce it to me. Later on I found it hard to explain it in English even by myself. According to answer.com, "Table Turning" is a form of psychic phenomena in which all participants sit around a table filled with alphabets, place their fingertips on a coin and ask the spirit a question; then the coin moves without conscious exercise of muscular force. By relating the tilts to the alphabet on the table, it becomes possible to receive intelligent messages. But why do Japanese call it Kokkuri? Perhaps they believe in the movement of the coin is caused by the supernatural agent, a foxlike animal which name is Kokkuri(狐狗狸).
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