10 rags-to-riches stories of all time
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They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. These inspiring figures had less than a lemon to start out with – and are now known for their sheer tenacity as they climbed to the top. MensXP brings you the top 10 rags-to-riches success stories of all time.
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" 一開頭就用了句諺語,但 lemon 是指生活上的挫折,這句原意是鼓勵人們用樂觀的態度面對挫折。不過作者衍伸為這些人一開始甚至連做 lemonade 的 lemon 都沒有的白手起家,由於他們的不屈不撓而成就一番事業。
sheer - 純粹的、全面的
tenacity - 堅毅、不屈不撓
by the sheer force of one's will 完全憑靠意志(力)
by the sheer force of expertise 完全憑靠專業知識(力)
by the sheer force of tenacity 完全憑靠堅毅(力)
There is no disadvantage these personalities did not suffer on their journey from birth to where they stand today – but sheer tenacity, confidence and hard work led them to the inspiring figures they are today.
They say when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. These inspiring figures had less than a lemon to start out with – and are now known for their sheer tenacity as they climbed to the top. MensXP brings you the top 10 rags-to-riches success stories of all time.
"When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!" 一開頭就用了句諺語,但 lemon 是指生活上的挫折,這句原意是鼓勵人們用樂觀的態度面對挫折。不過作者衍伸為這些人一開始甚至連做 lemonade 的 lemon 都沒有的白手起家,由於他們的不屈不撓而成就一番事業。
sheer - 純粹的、全面的
tenacity - 堅毅、不屈不撓
by the sheer force of one's will 完全憑靠意志(力)
by the sheer force of expertise 完全憑靠專業知識(力)
by the sheer force of tenacity 完全憑靠堅毅(力)
10. Chris Gardner
This is the man whose life has inspired the Will Smith-starrer ‘The Pursuit of Happyness’. Physically abused by his stepfather as a child and placed in a foster home, Gardner’s woes did not leave him even as he grew up to marry and be a father. As shown in the movie, Gardner struggled with homelessness while raising his kid. It was the strength of the lessons he learnt from his mother that he went from rags to riches by tenaciously building himself to be the CEO of his own stockbrokerage firm, Gardner Rich & Co.
這是 2007年電影《當幸福來敲門》的背後真實故事主角 Chris Gardner,也是這次較感興趣的一位。他在同名的書中提到當他遇到瓶頸、不知道怎麼開始、怎麼改變、夢想漸遠、懷疑自己時,都會想到【善用自己已有的資源。從這裡出發去創造你所想像的。】而激勵他繼續向前。嗯,大家現有的資源都比這些人當初環境好上太多,卻都很迷惘的活著。其實我的人生目標從來不是賺大錢,但是該給自己些壓力才是。
There is no disadvantage these personalities did not suffer on their journey from birth to where they stand today – but sheer tenacity, confidence and hard work led them to the inspiring figures they are today.
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