最近遇到諸多瓶頸, 撿討後歸咎於看的書太少, 思考的時間太少, 花很多時間在背單字可卻從不去想如何過試著用上它, 花太多時間在編程、美化卻失了方向. 另外在研究上整理進度沒有落實, 表達思想的能力太差, 內容太過空泛, 目標不斷游移, 搞的自己身心俱疲. 時間不多了, 該整理腳步釐清思緒才是. 另外要勤寫日記.
This morning the bicycle outside my house came
to my mind, felt sorry to see its chain and gear become rusty and its tires went
flat for a while, so I decided to send it out. I published an article on PTT
and soon someone online replied and told me that he just arrived here one month
ago and spending more than forty minutes to school by walking forces him to buy
a bike. He inquired some questions such like the bike registration procedure, proof
of perchance and convinced me his want. After we met, we ordered some drinks at
Mister Donut in front of the train station and had a two-hour talk. During the
talk I heard that he now studies in the cram school and is intended to work
here after the class finishes. When he mentioned that the charge of his
three-month class is shy of two hundred thousand yen and the housing fee is
excluded, I encouraged him to find quick ways to be expert on Japanese, either
asking the passengers for directions even though you already know the answer, hitting
on girls walking down streets, joining social parties or doing language
exchange with the locals. I also suggested him manage to find a part-time job to
sustain his life here. Hope these words does help.
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