似乎是因為現任總理盈拉被法院判定違憲任用親信下台, 軍方進而要求解散內閣成員成立新政府被拒絕後所引發的軍事政變. 我不是很懂這中間的曲折, 也不知道從何看起. 剛google後理解為泰國主要兩大黨 (為泰黨跟民主黨), 為泰黨代表人物是現任總理盈拉跟流亡的前前總理塔克辛(盈拉哥哥), 民主黨則是前總理阿披實. 前者支持者多為平民階級、後者則是皇室、權貴跟中產階級. 再者, 泰國的選舉制度, 總理是由500人的國會下議院決定, 而議員中375是全民選舉產生, 剩下125則是依各黨獲票比例分配席次. 從中不難看出其實泰國人民較傾向為泰黨, 差距有5~10%之多. 可這次出手的是軍方, 查一下發現泰國軍方干政的次數在80年內就發生18次之多, 這真不是件好事. 不知道泰國人對這事又是怎麼的看法.
Yesterday, Thai's army announced a coup, declared to take over power of the government. Troops escorted and detained the political party leaders, and released a statement saying Prayuth now has powers to act as Prime Minster until a new one take office. In many ways, this is normal for Thailand. it's the 12th time that the government's power was taken over by military since Thailand became a constitutional monarchy in 1932.
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