關於電影- 地吸引力

Gravity 地吸引力,  2013年上映的一部科幻驚悚片,由珊卓布拉克及喬治克隆尼主演。Imdb 給了 8.0分數。
Gravity is a 2013 science fiction thriller film directed, co-written, and produced by Alfonso Cuarón. It stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts, and sees them stranded in space after the mid-orbit destruction of their space shuttle and their subsequent attempt to return to Earth.(Wikipedia)

這是一部描述在太空中執勤的NASA研究員在進行修補工作時,因為搭乘的太空梭遇到在宇宙中的流石擊毀,只得找尋鄰近的太空船以能回地球的故事。這部片說實在的劇情是挺老梗的,像是為求生存只得有人自我犧牲的情節,但是拍攝的手法跟場景實在是令人耳目一新。因為全劇中只有出現三個人! 整部電影的場景雖全用特效完成,但是主角們在失去重力環境下的所有行為全憑自身的想像。記得劇中的聲音只出現使用廣播器時、兩人對話時以及珊卓的自言自語。(因為在太空中爆炸是沒有聲音的,即便撞擊聲也沒有)。我想在電影院利用3D效果來呈現肯定是超棒的視覺體驗。當然也要說這兩位大咖的演技實在是太好了,才能演得如此到位。劇中印象最深刻的一幕是珊卓與喬治在天宮號的對話(以下):珊卓好不容易上了天宮號準備回家時卻發現沒有燃料了,心灰意冷的她關了氧氣,靜靜著在船中等待死亡,結果睡著時夢到喬治跟他說,她可以有兩個選擇:一個是在這裡安穩的等待死亡,另一個是盡全力嘗試活下去的可能性。

Matt Kowalski: Let's get out of here. The Chinese station's about a hundred miles. Just a little Sunday drive.
Ryan Stone: We can't.
Matt Kowalski: Sure we can.
Ryan Stone: There's no fuel, I tried everything.
Matt Kowalski: Well, there's always something we can do.
Ryan Stone: I tried everything.
Matt Kowalski: Did you try the soft landing jets?
Ryan Stone: They're for landing, so...
Matt Kowalski: Well, landing is launching, it's the same thing. Didn't you learn about that in training?
Ryan Stone: I never got to land the simulator, I told you that.
Matt Kowalski: But you know about it.
Ryan Stone: And I crashed it every time.
Matt Kowalski: Listen, do you want to go back, or do you want to stay here?
[there's a pause as they look at each other]
Matt Kowalski: I get it, it's nice up here.
[he starts turning off the lights]
Matt Kowalski: You can just shut down all the systems, turn out all the lights and just close your eyes and tune out everybody. There's nobody up here that can hurt you. It's safe. Then what's the point of going on? What's the point of living?
[there's a pause as Ryan takes in what he's saying]
Matt Kowalski: Your kid died. Doesn't get any rougher than that. But still, it's a matter of what you do now. If you decide to go, then you gotta just get on with it. Sit back, enjoy the ride. You gotta plant both your feet on the ground and start livin' life.

1) 在太空中的流石,或者叫太空殘骸,英文叫 space debris 
2) 太空船被太空殘骸擊落. The ship/craft/space shuttle was crippled by space debris.
3) 太空人借由栓繩綁在航站上在太空中行動, 那個繩子叫tether, 或是 leash/jetback. An astronaut tethered himself to structures while floating in space.


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