ELM, 另一種 functional language, 是說一直沒能有機會接觸這語言,今天看到 meetup 有人開團,可惜時間是一般日,還是先上網做點功課,有興趣再去好了。quora 上有人分享心得可以參考。
jupyter, 這是在更新 ipython 到 4.0 時因為缺少這元件, 才發現 iPython 在 2015年8月時有了重大的更新, 除了讓 iPython 脫離 python-centric 的刻板印象外,亦支援其他語顏,做到更 language-agnostic 的 interactive programming。
【原文】 Exclusive – Bloomberg Head of Data Science Gideon Mann Talks Machine Learning and Financial Data
Gideon Mann, Head of Data Scientist at BloomBerg.
incrunchdata News 對他的採訪, 有兩個方向
what they are focusing on in their current roles
what their interest are outside of data.
1. which of your skills do you find most relevant for success as Head of Data Science?
要成為 effective data scientist 必須具備三項
a. skill to apply techniques to utilize data
b. deep knowledge of mathematics
c. ability to listen (most important since the solution to problem is often deeply rooted in the question itself)
2. what does the first hour of your work day usually look like? how do you prioritize your biggest action items?
review to-do list, what do I urgently need to do? try to balance between being reactive and strategic
3. tell us about a recent win for you and your team
a. extensive use of Solr
b. their machine learning ranking engine enables companies to automatically tune their search ranking system based on customer feedbacks
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